Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Genome Lost It's Organelle: Lynn Margulis (1938–2011): In Fond Memories of 1 Of My Idols !

Well...Not a New News, but Enough Dreadful ! Remorseful, as always...these great losses to science are !

Cut2: Back in the Summer of 69...well, in 2003, during 1sy Year's of Master's in Botany, while going through the "Biochemistry by Stryer" or one of those classical books, I came across this name for the first time in life.

"Lynn Margulis"

Why ? Simple...1st person on this earth to concieve the greatest, "our organelles like mitchondria and plastids were free living prokaryotes out-side eukaryotic cells, and during course of evolution have been integrated to us, symbiotically"...and what was famouly known as "Margulis" hypothesis/ Endosymbiotic Thoery ! Awesome.


I felt, shattered, when I read the hypothesis ! Why ? Because, I felt, why this did not strike to any one, until she did it, not all those Biology greats, not to my Professor, or for that matter me !

And thats what most commoners like us, miss out and specials make it even more special, their ways !

And then with her sad demise, was again shattered [this time to more profound effective loss!].

Always used to ponder, to go for the Sigma Awards that is named after her, and in a life time may be see/ meet/ Email her, but not to be, missed out !

And since that day, I was one of her zillion admirers in the sciencitific world.

Why ?

To Quote her: "“If an organelle originated as a free-living cell, it is possible that naturally occurring counterparts still can be found among extant organisms".

Please find more: [Nature's Own Dedication]...
And for the Naive's in Science: [Guess, no BlackOut this time !]

And yes, also here: Schaechter, M. (2012). "Lynn Margulis (1938-2011)". Science 335 (6066): 302.


For those, who like it with a bit of spice, once she said she does it: “tell bullshit from ... real authentic experience”, and imagine a Professor in Geosciences, untrained in molecular sciences, giving this once-unacceptable "so-called" "radical" hypothesis.

Ok ...then.....dear fellow-scientists,

Have to go off to hypothesize, something more "sense-making",  well and  a very simple hypothesis.................."Will me proteins denature if I donot store them in glycerol tonight ! Or, go back and start working tomorrow ?"..Awesome ! Lolz!

Catch ya, soon after I get my answers to the "hypothesis".

Ur Science-O-Nomist !

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