Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Genome Lost It's Organelle: Lynn Margulis (1938–2011): In Fond Memories of 1 Of My Idols !

Well...Not a New News, but Enough Dreadful ! Remorseful, as always...these great losses to science are !

Cut2: Back in the Summer of 69...well, in 2003, during 1sy Year's of Master's in Botany, while going through the "Biochemistry by Stryer" or one of those classical books, I came across this name for the first time in life.

"Lynn Margulis"

Why ? Simple...1st person on this earth to concieve the greatest, "our organelles like mitchondria and plastids were free living prokaryotes out-side eukaryotic cells, and during course of evolution have been integrated to us, symbiotically"...and what was famouly known as "Margulis" hypothesis/ Endosymbiotic Thoery ! Awesome.


I felt, shattered, when I read the hypothesis ! Why ? Because, I felt, why this did not strike to any one, until she did it, not all those Biology greats, not to my Professor, or for that matter me !

And thats what most commoners like us, miss out and specials make it even more special, their ways !

And then with her sad demise, was again shattered [this time to more profound effective loss!].

Always used to ponder, to go for the Sigma Awards that is named after her, and in a life time may be see/ meet/ Email her, but not to be, missed out !

And since that day, I was one of her zillion admirers in the sciencitific world.

Why ?

To Quote her: "“If an organelle originated as a free-living cell, it is possible that naturally occurring counterparts still can be found among extant organisms".

Please find more: [Nature's Own Dedication]...
And for the Naive's in Science: [Guess, no BlackOut this time !]

And yes, also here: Schaechter, M. (2012). "Lynn Margulis (1938-2011)". Science 335 (6066): 302.


For those, who like it with a bit of spice, once she said she does it: “tell bullshit from ... real authentic experience”, and imagine a Professor in Geosciences, untrained in molecular sciences, giving this once-unacceptable "so-called" "radical" hypothesis.

Ok ...then.....dear fellow-scientists,

Have to go off to hypothesize, something more "sense-making",  well and  a very simple hypothesis.................."Will me proteins denature if I donot store them in glycerol tonight ! Or, go back and start working tomorrow ?"..Awesome ! Lolz!

Catch ya, soon after I get my answers to the "hypothesis".

Ur Science-O-Nomist !

Raise a Toast in 3-Dimension for "Ankylography": New Kid on The Block !


Well, for those who are caught unaware of Prof. John Miao, a physicist at the University of California, Los
Angeles, must take a note of "ankylography". Not a revolution in image science, but a method, to "pull out a rabbit in 3D, from a 2D Image of a Hat".

Yes, those of you get it right ! A technique that, according to its creators, could reveal the
structure of scientifically important subjects such as complex proteins that can be glimpsed only once before they are destroyed by the high-powered lasers used to image them.

Raines et al.  have proposed ‘ankylography’ as a three-dimensional tomographic modality with a single monochromatic beam.

For those, who are "dealing in depths", please follow here:

Non-uniqueness and instability of ‘ankylography’:

and here:

Fundamental limits of ‘ankylography’ due to dimensional deficiency:

Raines et al propose a method, which they call ‘ankylography’, for three-dimensional structure determination using single-shot diffractive imaging (SSDI).

and here as well !

"Ankylography is definitely an emergent advantage for X-ray technology called diffract and
destroy, which would use X-ray lasers.......take images of objects using a dose of radiation high enough to destroy them, forming an image from the X-rays scattered in the few dozen femto-seconds (10−15 seconds)
before the object explodes !!! The ideal application would be imaging biological samples such as proteins, viruses, cells or tissue that are very sensitive to radiation. Ankylography would allow researchers to extrapolate 3D structures."

 Am no Crystallography-Geek, but still can tell, it would help science, than those who think, otherwise. I am UP for anything, that grows ! Always, positive and to embrace newer technologies included into the mainstream science, without any double thoughts, as tools help grow our ideas with fresh Angles !

Well, and I would not mind loosing the structure of my "pullulanase" burning into pieces, after it's 3D has been exposed ! Huh !

Ok...That's it for now !

Got to stop a few running tools to rest and pack-up for the day !

Your science-feeder, gotcha feed himself !


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Indian science in need of overhaul...BUT, BUT, BUT !!!

Back to Bog you !
Came across this story [most of you must have been!]:
Indian Science in Need of Overhaul !
Question is: How ?
Points to Ponder:
1. Funding of whole R & D of the country is 1/3rd of what and USA University's Good Biological Sciences Laboratory gets.
2. Do our PM/ Politicians/ Establishment have enough time, resource thought for any Improvisations in the Scheme [with Annaji, 3G, Kolaveri, Scams lurking around !].
3. When will the agencies STOP FUNDING for projects like "Exploration of effect of Silicon on Rice yield" or "Biodiversity explorations in Similipal Forests"!
4. Until when our InBred Indian Post Docs will be keeping paid: INR 18-25,000 PM ?
5. When will our Publications not be evaluated by Impact Factor but by real IMPACT ?
6. When the Bosses will grow up, not promote wrong deeds, produce TOILET papers ?
7. What does CSIR/DBT/DST/INSA/ISC do to bring the TRAINED INDIAN back home ?
8. When will the B. Tech [Biotechnology] NOT BE OFFERED with a IT Sector JOB or an M.Sc. [Biology] looks for a BANKING PO/CA/RAILWAYS Job ?
9. When will the PARENTS/ PEERS STOP thinking that POST-DOC is NOT STUDYING and also is not a PERMANENT JOB ?
12. When will the CENTRALIZED UNIFIED RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS come into a single umbrella for collborative research ?
13. When will CONTACTS/ BUDDIES/ COUSINS of SCIENTISTS will STOP getting the coveted JOBS/ OFFERS from their own relatives ?
14. Above all how to discard BIAS IN SELECTION [REGIONALISM, Q-FACTOR etc.].
So we stop BOTHERING !
Time to grab BREAKFAST and be prepared for a Day's bench Work !
Catch ya soon,

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

miniSOG: From the Hauz of Nobel Laureate Roger Tsien who Gave GFP !!

Well, back to square one !

Geniuses cannot stop!

Nobel Laureate Roger Tsien who gave us the tag GFP [green florescent protein] has come up with yet another modified and improved verion of it !

It's now named as “miniSOG” (for mini Singlet Oxygen Generator), ~ half the size of GFP, binds to a suite of  proteins, and can faithfully tag a variety of cells in different organisms !

Read it here:

X. Shu, et al., “A genetically encoded tag for correlated light and electron microscopy of intact cells, tissues, and organisms,” PLoS Biology, 9:e1001041, 2011. Free F1000 Evaluation

Time to grab  a Lunch now !

Catch you sooner with yet-another Gem!

